
Publishing IWSR data and analysis

IWSR is the leading data and insights source for anyone reporting on the global drinks industry. All IWSR data is subject to restrictions as covered in our citation policy.

Using our data


As a member of the press, you may request access to our data and analysis for inclusion in your industry coverage.

If you would like to publish IWSR data, or wish to subscribe to our press mailing list, please email press@theiwsr.com


Students interested in using our data, should ask their university administrator or librarian to contact IWSR to discuss setting up a subscription.

Citation Policy


Press Releases

Press FAQs

There are three questions we are often asked by the media. Here are the answers.

About IWSR

Who is IWSR?

IWSR is the leading global drinks data and intelligence provider. By combining best-in-class market and consumer data, AI-enabled analytics and on-the-ground human intelligence, we offer a full understanding of the global beverage alcohol industry. 

We are exclusively focused on quantifying, forecasting and tracking wine, spirits, beer, cider, RTDs, and no/low alcohol across 160+ countries.

Our clients include multi-national brand owners, independent producers, investor relations teams, financial and M&A institutions, industry suppliers, distributors and trade organisations.

What does IWSR stand for?

IWSR originally stood for ‘International Wine and Spirits Record’. However, the company has evolved and our expertise now also covers beer, RTDs and no/low-alcohol. Therefore, we have adapted our name and we are now just known as IWSR. 

How do I cite IWSR data or request an interview?

If you are a journalist, please email press@thewisr.com.

Any reference to IWSR data or analysis must be credited accordingly as ‘IWSR’. Full citation policy details can be found via our website footer.